Mental stimulation
Reduce anxiety
Slow down speedy eaters
Helps with separation anxiety
Reduces boredom
About Lick Mats
The one you received today is one of many MANY varieties.
They come in all kinds of shapes, sizes and patterns for you and your pet to play with.
Some have suction cups on the back to stick to anything.
Others just lay flat.
Some have small spaces, others have larger.
Tips and tricks.
You do NOT have to fill the full lick mat from corner to corn
Although Lick Mats are not meant to be chewed, it happens so beware of your dogs chewing style, they do have them for hard chewers.
Most items in Lick Mats take about 2-3 hours to freeze but some do take longer – overnight
And the best tip ever…. Drum roll please
Place your lick mat on a cookie sheet before you fill it, this helps you easily carry it to the freezer without trying to balance a wobbly sheet filled with liquid and having it spill on the floor. Your pet would have a blast cleaning it up on the floor but not really the point. IF your lick mat has suction cups on the back put some parchment paper or foil on the cookie sheet so you can easily lift it off.
A few recipes to get you started
Super super simple things to use in lick mats, no recipe required.
Chicken, beef, vegetable, bone broth – LOW or preferably NO sodium. In the lick mats with larger holes I put a piece of kibble, treat or even carrot or apple in some of the spaces before filling them with stock and freezing. Gives a little extra treat as they lick away.
Plain greek yogourt
Peanut butter
NATURAL only – no xilotyl or birch sugar. They keep changing the name so be care and best to stick to peanuts only.
Cats LOVE canned Tuna pressed in
Canned or Raw Food
If your pet is on canned raw food,, or you get some in your goody bag from global that’s great for lick mats.
Now let’s get fancy!
Well not fancy fancy, we are not making a 5 star meal here, we are having fun and providing enrichment for our pet.
Watermelon Lick Mat
Blend water and watermelon (no rinds or seeds) in a blender. Pour and spread on lick mat. Freeze overnight for a refreshing treat!
Pumpkin Lick Mat
Banana Lick Mat
Berrylicious Lick Mat
Courtesy of York Professional Pet Sitting and Dog Walking
Caring pet parents choice for the best dog walking and pet care in the central York Region since 2000. For more information on how we can help you with your pet care needs, check out our services page or contact us!