Is Your Pet Overweight?

These few easy steps and the chart below are a good way to tell you if your pet is at its ideal weight or if you need to make some adjustments to their exercise routine and diet.

Step 1 – Stand over your pet viewing the back. Look for a nice curved indentation in the area of the waist (just behind the rib cage). A pet with a “straight line” from head to tail, or even a bowed-out line along the back, could likely mean that your pet is overweight.

Step 2 – View your pet from the side. There should be a nice “tuck up” area behind the rib cage and before the hind legs. A pet with a “straight line” or a saggy area in the belly area could likely mean that your pet is overweight. Cats are especially prone to fat collecting in the belly area; areas that are easily viewable from the side.

Step 3 – Gently run your fingers along your pet’s rib cage. The ribs should be felt easily and the skin should glide over the ribs smoothly, as opposed to large “sheets” of fat moving along the ribs.

Step 4 – Check the area above the base of the tail; overweight pets have extra padding and fold in this location.

If you are still unsure, visit your Veterinarian for their diagnoses.

Is Your Pet Overweight?

If your pet is overweight it can cause many health issues but can also be simple to correct to allow your pet a longer, happier and healthier life, not to mention reducing vet bills.   Simple things like cutting back on treats or giving lower-calorie treats, an extra walk a day can make a huge difference in your pet’s quality of life.


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