How to Take Ridiculously Cute Holiday Photos of Your Pet

Happy Howlidays! We know we’re not alone when it comes to holiday photos with pets. While we stay inside and brave the cold, what better way to pass the time than to create a lovely holiday backdrop and snap some holiday photos of your pet! A picture says a thousand words. Here are some ways to take ridiculously cute holiday photos of your pet creating unforgettable memories. 

Take Holiday Photos of Your Pet Early in The Day

At this time of year, the sun sets faster and earlier in the day. If you are an early riser, snap some pictures of your pet as the sun rises to take advantage of those beautiful oranges, red and yellow colours. You can even bring your pet outside a little earlier for their morning walk so you can snap some photos. Just be sure to pay attention to your pet and if they are getting too cold, try a morning photoshoot another day. You can also snap some morning photos inside by the window where the light reflects nicely off the windows and walls.


Use Squeaky Toys To Get Their Attention!

Photos of our beautiful pets always come out much better when they are looking straight at the camera. To get your pet’s attention, grab a squeaky toy and hold it right up to the camera. Squeeze it and snap that photo when you’re ready to take the shot! Your dog or cat will surely look in the right direction, creating a super cute picture! Some pets are not the biggest fans of the pupparazzi and therefore tend to look away and not sit still to have their photos taken. Having a squeaky toy can help mitigate that. 


Always Have Treats Ready To Go

Treats are another great way to grab your pet’s attention and have them look directly at you and your camera. Treats are a great way to make your photo shoot fun for your pet! You should always reward your furry friends for good behaviour. In time, they may love having their picture taken, knowing there is a yummy treat coming right after! 

Take Ridiculously Cute Holiday Photos of Your Pet


Be Patient With Your Pup or Kitten 

When embarking on new activities with your pet, always remember to be patient. They have no idea what is going on. If you have a new puppy or just adopted a kitten, chances are they will be high energy and sitting still for a photo is almost out of the question. Of course, you can use the techniques above to try and grab their attention, but don’t be surprised if your new pup runs after the squeaky toy you used to try and get their attention! Overall, have fun with it. Holiday photoshoots shouldn’t be stressful for your or your four-legged pal. 


Take breaks

Our pets are most definitely like our children. One thing pets and children have in common is their short attention spans. Be sure to take breaks in between photo sessions. Your dog may start to get antsy and want to move on to something else. We understand that taking photos during the day is ideal since pictures come out beautifully in natural light. While we are literally losing daylight during the winter months, there is always another day for a photoshoot! Save that next costume or Santa hat for another day. We have a whole holiday season to snap amazing pictures that will last a lifetime.

Remember, sometimes it might not work, and that’s okay. Have fun with it, and let your pet feel all the love the holiday brings. We hope these tips on how to take ridiculously cute photos of your pet this holiday season were helpful! For some extra assistance, download the BarkCam App. This app is fantastic for taking pictures of dogs. You can set up different sounds to go off right before the camera is clicked. These sounds can provoke cute head tilts and propped ears. 

Be sure to share your photos with us on social media. We would love to see them! If you need help walking your dogs during the day, please let us know. You can contact us anytime to set up visits and dog walks. 



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