Spring has finally sprung! We are all trying to beat the covid blues, and one great way of doing that is by getting outside with our pups in Aurora and Newmarket.
If you bring your dogs to parks, chances are you may run into some ticks! Ticks are in our area, and you must check your regularly. If you find them, you must remove them properly to prevent further issues.
This blog will serve as a guide on how to identify ticks, what to do if you see them, and how to !
What are ticks?
Ticks are tiny arachnids and are closely related to spiders. They can carry viruses and bacteria that are easily transferable to your . One of the more commonly known diseases that ticks carry is .
Infected ticks can transmit diseases to and animals when they attach to us by inserting their mouthparts into the . Ticks also stick to the due to their saliva having a glue-like consistency. After binding to your , ticks begin feeding on your ‘s blood. The places where ticks attach can become red and irritated.
How to check your for ticks
Starting at the muzzle, run your hands systematically over your ‘s , working your way from muzzle to tail. Be sure to check in the ears and between the pads. Then have your roll over and check their stomach carefully.
If you feel a bump, separate the hair so that you can get a closer look. Make sure it is (or isn’t) a .
You will know it is a by the colour (they are grey or tan). You may be able to see where the head is buried in your ‘s . If it has been feeding on your for a while, it is definitely well fed. It will be fat and balloon-like. If you can’t see where the head is attached. If you are ever in doubt, please go to your vet.
How to remove a
So, you have found a on your . Now what?
You will need a pair of pointed tweezers and not flat-ended ones. There are tools available at your local remove ticks safely. It is a good idea to keep cotton swabs, rubbing alcohol, soap, water and either an empty jar with a tight lid or a Ziploc bag close by during the removal process. supply store that you can use to
Step 1 – Clean the tweezers or removal tool with the rubbing alcohol.
Step 2 – Try not to touch the of the . Get the tweezers under the ticks head and as far up the tweezers as possible to get leverage. You will probably want to put pressure on your ‘s , so it does not tent up. Close the tweezers tight and pull straight up and away from your .
Before you go “EWWWWWWWWW!” and fling this disgusting little thing across the room, remember it is still ALIVE. It can attach again to any member of your family-two or four-legged. Place it in a jar or Ziploc bag and SEAL IT TIGHTLY. Put the in the fridge until you can get it to your vet for testing.
Step 3 – Clean the area on your the was removed. Rubbing alcohol will work, but it will also sting. You are probably not your ‘s best friend right now anyway, so some gentle soap and water will do the trick. where
Step 4 – Keep an eye on your the used to live. Watch for , localized redness and swelling. A little is normal; after all, you just pulled another living creature from your . Also, keep an eye on their general appetite and behaviour. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, please contact your vet. , especially the area around where
How to prevent ticks in Newmarket and Aurora
Since ticks are prevalent in our area, now is an excellent time to speak to your control products. They can prescribe medications that will deter ticks from attaching to your . You may even be able to get a treatment that will kill any ticks that manage to attach themselves to your . about
If you want to prevent ticks from accumulating around your home, it’s best to keep your yard tidy, so you don’t create habitats for them to live in. You can create a barrier of wood chips or gravel between your lawn and wooded areas to prevent unwanted visitors. If you have piles of wood on your property, stack them neatly away from your home. Mow your lawn consistently as well. Ticks wait on for your to pass by so they can latch onto them.
We hope that this blog gave you some additional guidance on how to prevent ticks in Aurora and Newmarket. If your dog does suffer from a tick bite, do not panic! You can definitely help them out, and solve the problem right from home.
Want us to take your dog for a stroll around your neighbourhood? Visit our services page today to see how our dog walking services can help you!
Morag is the owner and founder of York Regions most trusted premier in-home pet care and dog walking companies. In 2000 she saw a need for an alternative to kennels, catteries for family pets in the area and has always believed that pets are much happier and less stressed staying in their own familiar environment. Morag and her team are all certified in Pet 1st Aid and CPR, she also offers continuous training to her team members through online and hands on pet care and pet behaviour and care courses. Morag has earned her certificate in Professional Pet Sitting, Professional Dog Walking and Canine Attendant training. She has lived in the Newmarket/Aurora area since 1991 is a wife, a mother of 2 adult children and a grandmother of 2 delightful little balls of energy. She has also been owned by fish, birds, mice, rats, cats, dogs, gerbils and guinea pigs and is an advocate for all living creatures. In her spare time she likes to be involved in her community and events travelling, reading and cooking.
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