Masks are everywhere!!! And this is something new for our furry family members and potentially scary. Your pet, especially your dog is going to have to get used to seeing people with masks on. Going to the vet, the groomer, doggie daycare will probably all require staff to wear masks. So listen in and see what Morag and Kaylyn have to say about it.
It’s also flea and tick season although we are in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic it is still extremely important that you get your pets on preventative medicine.
The second half of the video addresses the flea and tick situation.
Thank you to Kaylyn from Wag A While for joining me in these discussions.
Morag is the owner and founder of York Regions most trusted premier in-home pet care and dog walking companies. In 2000 she saw a need for an alternative to kennels, catteries for family pets in the area and has always believed that pets are much happier and less stressed staying in their own familiar environment. Morag and her team are all certified in Pet 1st Aid and CPR, she also offers continuous training to her team members through online and hands on pet care and pet behaviour and care courses. Morag has earned her certificate in Professional Pet Sitting, Professional Dog Walking and Canine Attendant training. She has lived in the Newmarket/Aurora area since 1991 is a wife, a mother of 2 adult children and a grandmother of 2 delightful little balls of energy. She has also been owned by fish, birds, mice, rats, cats, dogs, gerbils and guinea pigs and is an advocate for all living creatures. In her spare time she likes to be involved in her community and events travelling, reading and cooking.
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