Flea and Tick season during COVID 19 + Shaving Double coated dogs

As I write this we are in the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic, which coincides flea and Tick time.    At this time of year, most of us are going to our vet for our pet’s heartworm testing so we can get and start their flea and tick medication.  It is so important that despite the current situation pet parents continue with this practice.

Ticks have been pulled from pets for the last couple of weeks and the powers that be say this is going to be a very bad season for ticks and more importantly Lyme disease.

Each Veterinary Clinic in our area seems to be handling things a bit differently but despite the “Emergency care only” restrictions on Veterinarians it is important that you reach out to them to find out how you can get your pet started on their Tick medication on schedule.

It is also crucial that you check your pet each and every time your pet comes back inside.

Below I interview Natalie from Paws In The Bath about how to properly check your pet for ticks.

TIP 1  – Ticks can be found even in your own backyard, do not only check after a walk or run in the woods.

TIP 2 – Do a once over feel on your pet – playing close attention to ears, belly, go back and forth as close to the skin as possible. Check EVERYWHERE – ticks can be anywhere, including eyes, under gums etc.  

TIP 3 –  If you feel a lump, separate the hair so you can see the skin and you will probably see a tick.      

TIP 4 – Hopefully you have a tick twister in your pet first aid kit.

TIP 5 – Slide the tick twister between the tick and your pets skin as Natalie shows in the video and keeping it flat twist about 5 times to ensure you get the head of the tick out as well.      

TIP 6 – Put the tick in a sealed container with rubbing alcohol and contact your vet to see if they can test the tick right now for Lyme disease.     NOTE – every Veterinary Clinic has different rules right now so call first for instructions.   


IMPORTANT – keep the tick in your control and sealed, it is still alive and if it goes flying across the room or is not sealed in a container it will attach itself again to your pet, you or your kids.  


Shaving double coated dog


Thoughts on shaving a double-coated dog.

Dogs with double coats have them for a reason and unless recommended by a veterinarian it is NOT recommended that you shave them.

You could be doing permanent damage to the coat and it probably will not grow back in as it should.

The best thing to do if you cannot work the matts out yourself is to wait for your groomer to open and have a professional take care of it.


*Paws in the bath does Professional full service grooming as well as “Do it yourself” grooming.  They have locations in Newmarket, Aurora, Keswick and in the Beaches.    You can find more video’s, information and book visits at  https://www1.pawsinthebath.com/



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