Save Pet Fur For The Birds

Save Pet Fur For The Birds

Some of you who have been following York Professional Pet Sitting for years will have heard this before, but I think it is worth repeating.  When you comb/brush out Fido or Fluffy, PLEASE save the fur. Your pet’s fur can really help the wild birds build a GREAT nest...
How to be the best pet parent in 2020

How to be the best pet parent in 2020

Some New Years resolutions you can make this year to ensure your pet has as long, happy, healthy and safe life as possible.   Life is busy and seems to get busier, sometimes even though our intentions are great, life just gets in the way. A few reminders to make you...
Why you and your dog need a dog walker

Why you and your dog need a dog walker

Many people think having a Dog Walker is a luxury service.   That may have been the case many years ago, but today having a dog walker is an essential service for any pet parent. The truth is that hiring a reputable, professional dog walker will provide  many benefits...